Telaga Sunyi

Senin, 29 Pebruari 2016 | 17683 Kali
Telaga Sunyi

Apabila mendengar kata Telaga Sunyi, kita tentunya akan teringat judul lagu dari Koes Bersaudara. Objek wisata ini berada pada ketinggian sekitar 700 meter dpl dan terletak di tengah-tengah lebatnya damar dan pinus yang berjarak sekitar 3 kilometer arah timur dari pintu gerbang Wana Wisata. Indahnya alam sekitar yang dilengkapi shelter-shelter yang membuat wisatawan lebih rileks terasa dinina bobokan mendengarkan sayup-sayup kicauan burung dan capung yang berterbangan disekitar telaga



Telaga Sunyi
When we hear the word Telaga Sunyi, we will of course remember the title of the song from Koes Bersaudara. This tourist attraction is located at an altitude of about 700 meters above sea level and is located in the middle of dense resin and pine which is about 3 kilometers away from Wana Wisata gate to the east. The beauty of the natural surroundings, which are equipped with shelters make tourists more relaxed and feel like they are lulled by the faint chirping of birds and dragonflies flying around the lake.





Translated By:

Dyah Raina Purwaningsih
Tri Wahyu Setiawan Prasetyoningsih
Dian Bayu Firmansyah

Fakultas Ilmu Budaya

