Andhang Pangrenan ini selain sebagai tempat rekreasi keluarga, juga sebagai tempat wisata budaya, olah raga, dan pusat Wisata Kuliner yang terlengkap dan terbesar di Jawa Tengah bagian barat daya. Disini, wisatawan dapat menikmati beberapa fasilitas antara lain : Gedung Utama yang memiliki dua lantai. Lantai dua untuk Franchise dengan aneka kuliner yang berstandar internasional, serta didukung tenda-tenda Pujasera sebanyak 13 unit, Counter Caffe sebanyak 6 unit. Sarana bermain anak-anak, wisata therapy, serta panggung hiburan.
Andhang Pangrenan City Park Apart from being a place for family recreation, Andhang Pangrenan is also a place for cultural tourism, sports, and the largest and most comprehensive center for culinary tourism in southwestern Central Java. Here, tourists can enjoy several facilities, including the Main Building which has two floors. The second floor is food court with various international standard culinary delights, and supported by 13 units of food court tents, 6 units of Counter Caffe. It is also facilitated with children's playground, therapy spots, and an entertainment stage.